Name: Eien No Filerna (永遠のフィレーナ)
Type: Fantasy RPG
Available Languages: Japanese
Today we take yet another jaunt down 16-bit memory lane. I found myself at a bit of a loss as to what to write after my last post’s dating sim rant and decided that it was time to return to the Super Famicom for a while. We are once again looking at a game that I have no previous knowledge of, which was chosen purely because the box art intrigued me. Eien No Filerna (Eternal Filerna), the game which I am prodding with a stick today, appears to have been based on a series of Japanese light novels and anime. We’ve seen this before, I believe. So after shaking off the dregs of inactivity, it’s once more into the breach!
After getting the usual scrolling bit of backstory text common to games of this era, we dive right into the game proper. You begin this game as the titular character Filerna (which is how I shall spell her name, as that is how she writes it on her diary), a young woman who, according to the accompanying manual, is masquerading as a man. She is a slave from the ocean country Firosera known as a Kurechia, who is forced to be a Battler for the entertainment of the empire Debisu. After being given a bit more backstory on the Battle Show that the empire is so fond of, Filerna, age six, is thrown into a training battle against a man named Zena. Apparently Filerna has no choice but to train to prepare for life as a Battler among the men, so it’s time for this little girl (and us) to grow stronger.
After some more background information on Battlers, whose lives sound about as miserable as you would expect, we find that ten years have passed. As Filerna is now old enough to become a Battler in truth, she faces one last training battle against Zena, and this time we’re at the controls. After a fight in which neither opponent does much in the way of damage to one another, Zena gives Filerna some last minute advice, as her debut is tomorrow. He then gives us some equipment to make our survival more likely, accompanied by a tutorial on weapons and armor. Zena then tells Filerna that he has trained her because she has an important mission, which is exactly what she needs to be discussing the night before her first gladiatorial battle, when she should be more concerned with her impending doom. He then shoos Filerna off without another word, telling her to rest. I’m sure she’ll be able to sleep wonderfully, given that she has no pressure on her or anything.
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Filerna makes some new 'friends'. |
Filerna has the taste and the sense to leave her companion for the evening behind. She returns to her room to rest. Unfortunately Rira, the girl in question, doesn’t seem to be able to take a hint. She walks right through the door and begs Filerna to have sex with her. Wow. Filerna’s reaction is much like mine, a long line of ellipses. It seems that Rira is so set on them sleeping together because it is her duty, and that something bad will happen to her if they don’t. I repeat, wow. Whatever Filerna’s plan is to take down the empire, I’m on board one hundred percent. Filerna tries to worm her way out of the situation as nicely as possible, but the inevitable happens and Rira loses her temper. After calming her down by complimenting her beauty and saying that she can sleep in her bed, they turn in for the night. Rira awakens Filerna with a scream and a hilarious bug-eyed animation as she realizes that her companion is a girl. Filerna tells Rira that she has been raised from birth as a boy, although she doesn’t know why. Poor Rira tells Filerna that she was raised from birth in preparation to sleep with men. So after another bizarre and awkward conversation, Rira agrees to keep quiet about Filerna being a girl and a friendship is formed. Being a Kurechia is quite possibly one of the most awful things I’ve run across in videogames in quite a while.
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Rira discovers that Filerna is a bit than she originally expected. |
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Rira decides that she and Filerna should pretend to be a couple, even though she thinks it's a bit perverted. |
I can’t say very many positive things about this game on the appearance front, though. The game looks rather average overall, which they had absolutely no excuse for with what the competition was able to produce in 1995. Your tiny sprites stare up at giant enemies in the classic format, but other than several interesting enemy designs, there isn’t much to write home about here. Some of the major rooms are decently accented, as you can see that some thought was put into making them look lived in, but that is certainly not consistent throughout the game. The music is neither good nor bad, made up of the kind of tunes of the era that you filter through your brain without really listening to them, but that you don’t dislike enough that they become repetitive. I wish that I could find something stellar in this game’s design to point out to make up for accusing it of being somewhat underwhelming, but if such a thing exists, I haven’t found it.
In the end, Eien No Filerna felt like a rollercoaster ride between greatness and mediocrity. The story was interesting and the battle system was innovative, and yet the music was dead in the water and the appearance of the game was occasionally lacking. This game has so much to offer and yet it will be overlooked by many wholly on its lack of flashy graphics and memorable music. It really is a shame, as I actually really like this game and hope that people will play it regardless of its flaws. There is a lot of amusement to be found playing Eien No Filerna if you’re willing to look for it.
If you feel like hearing more of my gaming prattle, feel free to follow me on Twitter. You can find me at @bejiita_buruma
Just discovered this interesting game, though a bit late in comparison it seems.^^ I won't have the time to play it until mid of September but I'm looking very much forward to it. Really like the setting and story setup (and art!), which seems much more serious than your average 16Bit RPG. Also, though they're pretty basic, I still like the visuals somehow. Similar to FF6 in a good way.
ReplyDeleteWonder if the light novels are worth chasing down as well. Unsurprisinigly the story in those seem to differ a bit from that in the game. Though I'd probably be too lazy to read them anyway…
Concerning the name of the heroine, maybe the name "Philena" was taken as an inspiration?
Really like your blog and the choice of uncommon RPGs btw.! =)
Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy the game as much as I did.
DeleteThanks. Glad to hear, that you liked it. I'll definitely let you know, when I've finished it. Though that may take some time. ^^
DeleteJust finished it after about 20 hours. Without a doubt one of the shorter RPGs but I actually like it better that way.
ReplyDeleteConcerning the game, your last paragraph sums it up perfectly. While I was totally fine with the graphics - which are more on par with games like FF4 or 5 than 6 I must admit - the music is really one of the bigger flaws of the game. The tunes feel a bit too simple overall and there is too much repetition in them sadly, though there were still some I liked. Concerning the story, the last third felt a bit weaker then the rest with not that many relevant events happening anymore and a lot of tedious back tracking (the light towers…) where the heavy amount of random encounters didn't exactly help. The good thing about the game is though, that the battles and menues are really quick and so is the movement speed while running, which is why it was still bearable. Though I swore sometimes when in several instances after leaving a battle, the next encounter followed directly after only two or three steps.
Like you I really liked the setting of the game, the characters in it and their design. The mixture of fantasy and some modern elements is something I always like a lot and the design of Filena's universe and it's characters still felt pretty distinct despite the simplicity of the graphics. Since the game is very old-fashioned in it's presentation though, it felt like they didn't use all of the source material's potential concerning the narration. Especially the deaths of some more important characters felt a bit abrupt with too little dialogue and thus lacked the emotional impact they probably were supposed to have which I found a bit sad (I'm especially referring to a certain incident on a bridge). Eien no Filena reminded me very much of Phantasy Star 2 in that regard, which imo had the same problem but is also a game which was released 5 years earlier than Filena at a time when RPGs generally still weren't that elaborate. Filena doesn't exactly have that excuse, though it developed by a smaller team I guess.
I still enjoyed it a lot all in all, probably in part because I hadn't played an old-school RPG in quite some time, but certainly also due to the interesting story setup, it's design and the (very) likeable characters which I would have loved to see even more of. I already miss the scenario and feel like looking for the Anime or even the Novels, though I doubt I'd ever read them completely. XD